Resistant starch, a natural fibre

FiberFin consists of modified corn starch. This is a type of starch the digestion enzymes in our bodies have a harder time breaking down.

Regular starch is metabolised and turned into grape sugar in the body – then used as energy. Resistant starch, on the other hand, isn’t digested like other starches. Instead, it behaves like a dietary fibre. It’s been consumed by humans for thousands of years through foods like beans and lentils, to mention a few.

Researchers across the globe are beginning to recognise this incredible fibre and the beneficial health effects it holds. One tablespoon of FiberFin provides 6 grams of fibre, and so is a simple way of increasing your daily intake.

How do you use FiberFin?

As a dietary supplement:

You have to consume FiberFin every day to gain full health benefits from it. Try sprinkling FiberFin over your cereal in the morning, or mixing it with juice or milk. A single tablespoon of FiberFin provides a full 6 grams of resistant starch.

In baking:

Any time you use flour, you can use FiberFin. Simply substitute 10-20 % of the flour with FiberFin – the flavor and appearance remain unchanged! If you substitute 7 % of the flour in a pizza dough recipe, the fibre content will reach that of wholegrain bread. The dough will be easier to work with, too.

How much FiberFin should I use when baking?

By replacing 10% of your flour with FiberFin, you’ll have done a lot for your fibre intake. If you find it tricky to know how much you should use, make things easier for yourself by mixing a box of FiberFin (400 g) with 2 kg of wheat flour. This ready-made flour mixture will contain 17% FiberFin and can be used any time you want to bake more fiber-rich without it affecting the result.

Research on FiberFin

A range of studies have been published that document the advantageous health properties of FiberFin. Here are some of the benefits that have been uncovered:

  • positive effect on weight control (increased sense of fullness, increased fat burn and increased insulin sensitivity)
  • reduced glycaemic load (GI/GL) when FiberFin substitutes other flours
  • lower blood sugar and insulin levels with the meal following FiberFin intake
  • positive effects on the intestinal system, including production of beneficial branched-chain amino acids (BCCAs), lower pH and lower ammonia concentration
  • reduced duration and severity of diarrhoea in adults and children when they consumed FiberFin in nutritional drinks