About Funksjonell Mat AS

Funksjonell Mat AS is the Norwegian company behind the Sukrin brand, and was founded in 2007. Our goal is to provide innovative products that make healthy living easier. We have developed a range of All-Natural zero calorie sugar alternatives, snack products, gluten-free and fat-reduced flours, and low-carb, sugar and gluten-free easy to bake mixes. All our products are based on natural ingredients.

Company information

Funksjonell Mat AS
c/o Sukrin EU
Emil Neckelmanns Vej 20
5220 Odense SØ
CVR number 35447342

Funksjonell Mat AS
Storgata 10
N-2000 Lillestrøm

Phone: +47 21 89 98 00
Organization number: 991,541,624

email: post@funksjonellmat.no


Hanne Roseth – Administration and orders
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 00

Kjell Grundvold – Economy and export
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 06

Asgeir Ruud – Managing director and product manager
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 01

Kristin Killerud – Quality- and development manager
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 02

Monika Danielsen – Marketing manager
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 04

Per Kapsberger – Brand manager and designer
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 05

Benedicte Høgvard – Export
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 03

Johanna Lindgren – Export
Tlf: +47 21 89 98 07

Where to buy our products

To find your nearest shop, please go to resellers.

Wholesale enquiries

For wholesale enquiries please go to resellers.